We work with at-high-risk-teens. In our community space, which is built around a non-profit bike workshop, we provide a space of support, where we try to reach out through after-school and sport activities mostly to kids living in state care or lingering around youngsters.
With our bike workshop and club facility as background base we can teach the boys how to release stress in a positive way through sport and besides that all moral values, which come with that. Not only do we provide them with sports equipment and take them to sport events regularly, we also teach them to repair and maintain.
The project is 100% financed through civil donations . All of our volunteers are trained social workers. Within our project every member looks at his job as his call.
If you want to support our help, here ́s our bank account number: HU36 10100826 54572800 01000004 BIC: BUDAHUHB